Monday, March 21, 2005

Evangelizing to Young People

No gimics; no fancy tactics; no coupons. Just the truth. The truth that demands reverence. The truth that demands penitence. The truth that promises peace and hope on earth and eternal life in God's presence in heaven.

I've tried gimics, tactics, and coupons to attract young people to active participation in the church. All with short term gains for many, but lasting effect for only a few. Sure, I sow, God reaps. But, there's a much better way to seed.

There's a tremendous difference between Fr. Gary and other parish priests. That is he speaks in simple terms. And he invites and invites, and never stops inviting. He provides countless (and I mean countless) worship opportunities that brings one closer to God. And he invites and explains in the most simplest terms - and people respond. People of all ages.

We too often underestimate people. We're afraid of raising expectations, if any at all. But it seems to me that the more we expect (with fairness and sincerity), the more people respond. There are plenty of extremes where people are turned off. But, Jesus turned off a lot of people all the time.

If we follow (and not just "believe") in Jesus, we can expect to get into the same kind of trouble He did.