Monday, February 07, 2005

Heaven On Earth

If there is one book that has renewed my understanding of the Mass it is "The Lamb's Supper" by Scott Hahn. If we all really understood what is really happening at Mass, we would never approach it in quite the same way ever again.

Dr. Hahn points out a not-so-novel concept: that the liturgy is based on the Book of Revelation. If you have a copy, jump to page 118-119; not only can we clearly see the Mass in the Book of Revelation, but we can also view the Book of Revelation with our new eyes of faith.

Remember back in the Book of Genesis where God spoke and something happened. He spoke and he create the Heavens; He spoke and He created light; He spoke and He created Man. God speaks - something happens. God speaks at Mass, something happens. There is nothing metaphorical at Mass. When we proclaim "together with the Angels and Saints," there is nothing metaphorical about it. We proclaim WITH the Angels and Saints - they are there with us! It is a glimpse of Heaven on earth! How can we conceivably attend Mass amid this incredible sacredness in any other way but in total humility, reverence, contriteness, and awe!

Lastly, to tie this together a bit more, Rick Warren in his book "The Purpose Driven Life" states that if we go to Mass and say "we got nothing out of it," then we are going for the wrong reason. Mass if for God, not for us. It is for us to join with the Angels and Saints, our brothers and our sisters, the Blessed Virgin Mary, to praise our Almighty God! It's not about us! Just as the Old Testament prepared Israel for the coming Jesus, so to does the Mass prepare us for the second coming of Jesus.

An effective and unified evangelistic approach to our parish community at large would be to remind new and existing parishoners of the Mass being Heaven on Earth at every sacramental opportunity: at the parish's informational meeting for new parishoners; at Baptismal preparation for new parents; at First Communion; and First Reconciliation; at Confirmation Preparation; at Marriage Preparation; at every potential opportunity where we find our selves welcoming back our brothers and sisters whom feel alienated from the parish community for whatever reason. Let a sign hang above the door of our Church proclaim "You Are Now Entering Heaven On Earth!"